
Pastors & Communities
Early in our ministry, God began leading us out to remote communities to partner, serve and support
pastors in their ministries. We develop relationships, provide resources, offer training and modeling for
pastoral ministry in evangelism, counseling and discipleship.

Discipleship & Training
Our first ministry began with inviting people into our home for fellowship, Bible study and discipleship.
We continue this ministry every Sunday afternoon in our home. After many years God has proven that
when people cross our threshold it is a game-changer for deep lasting relationships and trust. This ministry has now expanded into our remote communities. Our Nicaraguan family continues to grow!
Since 2014 we have partnered with the doctors of Healthy Neighbors International from Doylestown, PA to coordinate and host their annual medical brigade in July. This has expanded to our setting up a local doctor in Matagalpa as a gatekeeper to assist with follow ups for selected patients. In October 2019 we will implement a pilot project to coordinate virtual consults with doctors in Doylestown. As an extension of this we are now also partnering with the Nursing School at UNAN University. We have established practicums for nursing students to travel with us to the remote communities and obtain updated vitals from these follow up patients. We have also established an international relationship with the nursing school in Doylestown, PA for video conference training and curriculum planning.

Our work with students in an English Academy led us to work with the English Teaching Degree department at UNAN University in 2014. We assist at the invitation of the director and professors in helping students become proficient with their English speaking and classroom teaching skills. This relationship has led to many opportunities for them to participate in our weekly home Bible study, assist in our weekly ministries, work with mission teams and translate for medical brigades.